DOG-EARED with Lisa Davis & the Health Power podcast.

DOG-EARED with Lisa Davis EP #12: BOOK: A Thousand Lifetimes: The Story of a Woman and Her Dog: Both Sides of the Tale. AUTHOR: Maria Reich

March 23, 2023 Naturally Savvy
DOG-EARED with Lisa Davis & the Health Power podcast.
DOG-EARED with Lisa Davis EP #12: BOOK: A Thousand Lifetimes: The Story of a Woman and Her Dog: Both Sides of the Tale. AUTHOR: Maria Reich
Show Notes Transcript

Lisa is joined by Maria Reich who talks about her book, A Thousand Lifetimes: The Story of a Woman and Her Dog: Both Sides of the Tale.  Maria Reich is a certified canine nutritionist, and co-owner of The Pet Health & Nutrition Center. She has trained in Canine Science and has worked with animals for decades. She specializes in helping support animals with an impressive array of disorders using holistic protocols, including nutrition, herbs, whole food supplements, homeopathic remedies and other modalities for natural healing.

Celeste, Maria's pitbull  was plagued with a number of mysterious health problems. But despite being deaf, and being a dog, Celeste was able to communicate everything she was experiencing, thinking, and feeling through Carol, a professional Animal Communicator with the ability to converse with animals telepathically.

Book description:

If you ever loved a dog… 

If you ever sought a cure…

If you ever believed in a power beyond your understanding… 

A Thousand Lifetimes will resonate with everything you knew, and hoped, was true. Here is the very real story of one woman’s life with rescue animals, and in particular, Celeste — a beloved canine who found a home in the author’s heart and never left. Celeste was plagued with a number of mysterious health problems. But despite being deaf, and being a dog, Celeste was able to communicate everything she was experiencing, thinking, and feeling through Carol, a professional Animal Communicator with the ability to converse with animals telepathically. Together, Celeste and Maria, her human companion, narrate their heroic journey together as spirits intertwined in this lifetime. For those who don’t believe in telepathic communication with animals, don’t worry. A Thousand Lifetimes will burrow right into your soul and find where your truth is buried.


celeste , dog , callaway , people , animal communicator , book , animals , pet , humans , thought , homeopathy , soul , feel , cuddly , pitbull , hear , life , point , happening , talking 

So you may have noticed over the past few episodes, I'm having the guest do the Does your dog do. And today we had the fantastic Maria reach, we're going to be talking about her wonderful book 1000 lifetimes a story of a woman and her dog, both sides of the tail. Maria, before we jump into your fantastic book, what does your dog do? And do you have a question if other people's dogs do this as well?

Oh, well, you know, they all have their own unique personality. So one of the things that I used to do is to last and now star has picked it right up. Is I do mommy and me makeup. I know that seems very weird. But Celeste was a white Pitbull. So I noticed when I wouldn't be putting my blush on and my makeup on that she would be very interested in what was happening. So I, I saw she would be you know, basically with her front feet on the chair I would be sitting on and really watching. So I started to wash on her. And you could see it of course because Yeah. Anyway, this was just dumping People think I'm crazy. It was just a fun game that we did. And she would get this look on her face like, Oh, I'm so special. And I would say how beautiful she was right? Now your store, which is spoiler alert, actually, Celeste come back. And and she immediately from the time she was little I'd be doing my makeup and she'd be right there. Like, and I started to do the same thing now. She's black and tan, so you can't see it. But we still go ooh, and she goes Ooh, I'm so pretty.

Oh my gosh. I love that. And we're gonna dig into that what you said about the last coming back. This book was so fascinating to me. I want to jump in. But the first question I always ask every guest When did your love of dogs begin?

Have fun with the time I was born? I think I just always, always love them. I have always been you know, I've had cats and I love cats. But dogs are just my heart. You know, I just you know when when you're a dog person. You know, they just capture you and I've always felt that it is not an accident. That dog spelled spells gone backwards, right? Yeah, I agree. They are the greatest gift we have ever been given.

I completely agree 100% So the book is told from several point of views or perspectives which include you and your dog Celeste, your beautiful white Pitbull. Who else also is debt was deaf, and some of your other dogs and cats. And in an interview you said I heard you in an interview. And you said quote, it's not what I thought she felt or thought about her life. But what she actually thought I use two different animal communicator. So before we jump into the book, this could be new to a lot of people. I have to be honest, it was new to me, I found it really interesting. So So talk to us about that. What is an animal communicator?

Okay, so a lot of kind of asking now, years ago, there was a show called pet psychic. Oh, yeah. But she's not really psychic. So, so animal communication is not really a psychic thing. They're not predicting the future. They're actually having a conversation. They're just doing it telepathically. And one of the things that trips people up is they think, Well, you know, my dog doesn't speak English. And you're absolutely right your dog does. However, humans didn't start out speaking a language either. Right? And yet, we know that as babies, they have thoughts. Sure your thoughts before language. And what we do as humans is we learn very early on to translate our thoughts into words, right. So the words in and of themselves really have no meaning, but we give them meaning. When an animal communicator, Thompson to an animal, talking to them telepathically, what their brain is doing is automatically translating the information they receive into the language that is their language. So that that's how it makes sense to them. And so a lot of times they'll get a motion, so get physical sensation. Sometimes they'll see a movie play right on. And sometimes it's just it just, it's so quick for so many of these people who are really talented at it, that their brain is automatically traveling, I don't even think they totally understand that that's what's happening. The dog is not in fact speaking to you in English, but your brain is translating it. So it's really quite amazing. One of the purposes of the book is to get people to come to accept this possibility. All right. And so and so I tried to I wanted to do the book from, you know, basically both minus West perspective. So people could see, as humans, we see the world in a certain way. And we make assumptions about others that they see it the same way that we know that's not even true of other humans, right? I mean, we know that because we do speak the same language that two people could see the same thing come away with very different perspectives, while our animals are no different, but because dogs don't think like people, they think like dogs, a lot of times do interpretations of what's going on around is not what you would expect. And so it causes miscommunication, it causes confusion, it causes anxiety on the part of both the human and the animal. And so, so being able to utilize an animal communicator, it's very helpful to get you to see the reality of the Dog in front of you, instead of what you perceive is what's happening, right. And so I really wanted to bring that along. And in so doing, and starting to gain acceptance for this and understanding that there are people out there who say they can do it, and they're charlatans, like any other profession. Like any other profession, there are some people who are phenomenal at it, some people who are okay, and some people who are dead, awful. So you have to be aware of that not everybody who builds themselves as an animal communicator is really going to be the real deal. But the ability to really understand and make a connection, so much stronger and so much deeper when one is understanding on both sides when you can go oh, I didn't know she saw it that way. Okay, now that I understand, let me change what I'm doing to make at the end of the day to make my dog's life happier. Because at the end of the day, my focus with my animals is I want as many days of your life to be as joyful and happy as possible. But I want the least amount of stress. But reality is when we work towards that end, we're happy because there was nothing that fills your heart with joy more than the big smiley face on your dog. Right.

So true. So true. Yeah, I really enjoyed reading Celeste portions as well as yours. The first sentence of the book is italicized, and it reads, there will be a deaf dog. You heard a voice? Did that shock you at all? Had you heard a voice before in your head coming from somebody else? Okay. So,

you know, previously, at certain points in my life, when a big important message has to get through to me, then it does. And okay, so if I hadn't gotten that clear message, so I was dead set against getting another dog. I wanted about the reasons why. And so in any event, so I needed to come home with Celeste, this was not an option in my life. This was a fork in the road that needed to be taken. And so yes, I got this very clear message. So profoundly clear that I looked at my husband and I, like, didn't hear that. And he obviously showed no signs of having her because he had not gotten that message. So it was Willie. So that's how I thought it was important to start the block. Because that was the beginning of our journey together.

Yeah, I thought that was a great way to start it as well. And everybody listens. I won't go on and on. Everyone knows I'm obsessed with pities. My pity is my heart and soul. And I was so happy that it was a pity because I think there's something so special about that breed, and they're so incredibly loving. And I love that Celeste says this woman was my destiny. And I knew that somehow I was hers as well. I just gaze into blues eyes, and I'm just like, we were meant for each other. And you were,

that's why that's why you're together, we will always be connected to the beings we're supposed to be connected to. For good sometimes for bad, but there's always lessons to be learned in every, every relationship and, and I really strongly feel that for so many of us. Our dogs are really trying to teach us to be better humans, you know, be more loving, more present, more conscientious beings than we actually tend to be.

Yeah, I completely agree. Now what made you make the decision to contact Callaway because your husband's reaction when you asked him Phil's response was quote, I will not be married to a freak like that,

huh? It's more than as well than we can see. And I guess from a scientific standpoint, science knows that right? There was more dark matter in the universe than any other type of map. So there is Some more that we cannot see and was animal communication, I've come to believe that it has to do with the realm of quantum physics. And at some point, because remember, we're talking telepathic communication, right. So I think at some point, we'll have the science that can back it up. Until we do. A lot of people will be skeptical. Most of them will be men. Because women will go, My heart tells me, there's a lot more going on here. And I want to have at least the opportunity to see if this is real and make a stronger connection. Because as women, connections are the most important thing to us. Right. So So and connections to those we love and who do we love more than? Not a lot of people actually. Right? I mean, yeah, we want we want as close and intimate connection as we can have.

So even though Phil was an onboard, you went ahead and did it, which I actually think is okay, because this is something you just talked about, it's so important to you, and you had no idea what was going on with your beloved Celeste, and you wanted to know,

well, because the reality is nobody has the right to tell anybody else, that they cannot do something that they really, really want to do, right? I mean, yes. If you want to throw yourself off a bridge and kill yourself, then I would say, yes, we should intervene. But let's just say your husband decided he liked open mic night, and he wanted to go out once a week and sing in a club at open mic. And he had his heart set on it. It wouldn't be not right of you to tell him he could not do that. Yeah, hold him. Right. Right. So that was my perspective. He doesn't own me, but I can't move him on this. And I'm not going to have a screaming fight about it. So I'm just gonna do what I need to do. And leave him out of it, at least for now, and see if this is a real thing before I even try to broach him again. And and that's actually what I did.

I'm glad you said that deceive. It's real thing. How did you know tell us about that first session with Callaway, and What key do you in because earlier in the interview, you had said that there are charlatans What was it about Callaway that you thought okay, this, this is a real deal.

Well, I just love Callaway, she has a wonderful person. She hoped communications was so fluid. The information that she got from like my dad, Cody at the time, he had the gender of male apathy, which is unfortunately way too common disorder in a lot of dogs, where they that's like Ms. And they lose the feeling and their hind end, starting with their back feet, and it works its way up, it's fine. And eventually, you know, you wind up having to put them down from that. So he was losing that sensation in his mind. And and he had been for a while, but he was still on his feet with things that we were doing. And one of the things the first one of the first things Callaway said about him was, I can't he has a disorientation. I can't feel his back end. Is there something going on now, without you saying anything? She was in another state on the phone? She wasn't even in the same state as me. So why would you automatically assume that my dog was having? You know, she wasn't saying he had arthritis. He was in pain he was having? No, she said he doesn't know where it is. He can't feel it. Well, that's exactly the case. Right? So that was very interesting. And then during that first conversation, when Celeste came in, she had said, so now I was feeling really great, because Kelly picked up this information that couldn't possibly be real. And then one of my bad my sad things with Celeste was that her name is celestial because she's heavenly. Right. And it always made me feel bad that she didn't know she couldn't hear her name. She didn't know her name. And so one of the things one of the first things she wanted Callaway to talk to me about was how much she loved her name. And I said, but how could she know she can't hear me and I had told Callaway that Celeste was Deaf prior to the conversation. And she said she hears you telepathically. And she feels the the emotions that you have when you say it so she knows how special it is. And so I thought that was amazing. Like, why would she choose that was one of the big things. I never said anything to Callaway about me being sad about her not knowing I didn't mention it. But it was one of the very first things counselors wanted me to know. I know what my name is. And I love my name and it's special and I know that

Oh, that's amazing. Now you also got another deaf pit bull named Maya tell us a little bit about Maya. Maya.

Maya was she was just such a force. She was I have just the sweetest, most loving dog and crazy crazy crazy. She could just the energy of her every time she came in the house like if you put her put them outside the play and they came in, she burst into the house way into the house picked up a ball. It was always like we're on we're playing what happened. Now being a pitbull. She was also very happy with oh, let's cuddle on the sofa and go into sleep together.
Oh my god, so cuddly. That whole cuddly. That's what's

great about that breed is like you want to hike, you want to play ball, you want to do all the pop up. You want to go here and let's just crash on the sofa. They can cool. That's great. Right? Well, I'm going to be white on Yeah, we're going to be covering up. We're gonna all stay there all day. And it's fine.

I laugh because blue has this habit now jumping on the bed at 430 in the morning. He doesn't just like curl up by my legs or my back. He literally puts his head behind my head on my pillow, smashes his nose into my neck presses his whole body against me. I'm cuddly but not when I'm sleeping. But I've gotten so used to it that now I actually look forward to 430 in the morning leaving on my husband the other day is like he's an appendage. The time he sees us blues like literally on me. These people don't you know they have so they don't get it. They do not understand they really they just want to please you. They just want to be loved. They just want to be where you are.

Have fun. You know, they want to cuddle and they want to eat like these are the these are the big things right?

Right now with Celeste similar to Maya in the cuddling way, but not as you know, rambunctious would you say

was Celeste was cuddly like they all are. I don't know if you see the picture on my website where she's on, on my I'm on my back on the bed and she's on me. She'd just been cleaning my face. And we both smiling. So she was just as cuddly. And she was definitely playful. But not she wasn't the firecracker that that Maya was, you know, Maya was just really amazing. And her story, she talks about her shelter experience both last in my own work in shelters. Both of them had experiences in kill shelters, and people don't understand the animals in the shelter, absolutely know that animals are being killed there. They all know that. It's an incredibly stressful place for them to be. And so with Maya, it was so sad because her daddy had taken her for the drive. And she thought she was all excited. And we're going for a ride. We don't do this all the time, blah, blah, blah. She was thought this was the greatest thing and, and then they wind up at the shelter. And she gets out of the car and he puts on the leash and she thinks oh, we're gonna be doing something. And then she picks up on the energy now she starts to get nervous. And then they go in. And her father is that he won't make eye contact and she's looking at him because she's trying to see what dogs do. What's going to happen now what's the direction you know, after all, you're there everything you're there protected, you're there pack. And he doesn't he won't look at her and he hands the leash to somebody else who takes her through. I know it's heartbreaking. It's absolutely no harm. So they were gonna put mine to sleep because she was deaf. And she was a pitbull. It was Florida. And they said there was no way we're gonna get this dog adopted. But they just happened to have room in their adoption kennels, and they put her up, and I just happen to be volunteering. And I saw the sign as I was walking down the well. I am deaf on her thing. And I went in and I thought well, Celeste could use a playmate. Right? And two loved each other. It worked out beautifully for them.

Oh, I'm so glad. Does your family include a dog or a cat? Would you like to be better educated on how to advocate for their health naturally, then why not check out all of the amazing resources on naturally healthy Dr. Judy Morgan is a trusted advisor and a regular guest here on the dog eared podcast. She has over 38 years experience as an integrative veterinarian, acupuncturist chiropractor, food therapist, author, speaker, podcast host and owner of Dr. Judy Morgan's naturally healthy pets. Dr. Judy's goal is to change the lives of pets by educating and empowering pet parents just like you in the use of natural healing therapies and minimizing the use of chemicals, vaccinations and poor quality processed foods. Head on over to naturally healthy where you'll discover healthy product recommendations, comprehensive courses The naturally healthy pets podcast, informative blogs, upcoming events and so much more. Again that's naturally healthy The place to learn how to give your pet the vibrant life that they deserve

you know I want to talk about Celeste health issues fevers and continence both urine and fecal compulsive disorder now I'd never heard of compulsive disorder. Can you tell us about that and how it presented and Celeste

compulsive disorder is unfortunately far too common in various ways, but essentially it's it's like seizure activity in the brain, but it doesn't matter. That's like the grandma or something, right? A lot of dogs will do what is called Fly snapping. Some dogs will do a compulsive circling, right for Celeste, she was chasing what she later explained to me were little spots that just kept pots a little spikes of Willie electrical impulses, probably in her own brain that she was perceiving as as little objects. And she was trying to catch them. And just could not stop herself. She was she was obsessed with them to, to the point of ignoring everything else in her environment, except food, very phone, food monitoring and on, but even with the food, she'd gobble it, and then once for the spot, right? It was it was a terrible, terrible thing. And I almost had to contemplate the possibility of putting her down and she was only like two years old.

Oh my gosh, you know, and I know that you had gone through so many different practitioners. So you saw Dr. Arthur Young who did homeopathy and I thought this was interesting you know, because we're so used to like just tell us what's wrong so we can fix it right and so what you write in the book Dr. Yang quote, so what is wrong with her and he said, Well, she is out of balance sick and her whole body having her energy field disrupted with insult after insult. And I love this you write quote I followed the instructions that Dr. Young included in his package and I have to admit that it felt a little like hocus pocus. I've been bringing blue to an alternative vet who does muscle testing. And you and this later in the story have a you know a story about Celeste people have no idea what I'm talking about just Google muscle testing for either humans or dogs and you'll be able to see it. I think next time I take blue I'm gonna take a video so check my social media as well. But it did seem kind of woowoo I'm like what the hell it blues been doing a little better. But like you talked about in the book. It is up and down. It's frustrating. He'll be okay. And then he'll diarrhea for three days.

Nutrition Center for a second. Go to our website. Go to the contact page. Fill out the form. If if loose stool is the problem that you're having with him. We can we can help you.

Okay, yeah, I was going to ask you because it's so frustrating. So, talk to us, though, about that kind of hocus pocus feeling because you you saw a lot of different alternative practitioners.

Yes. And homeopathy is is wound up being there wasn't the best X left ever was, was when she was under the care of Dr. Keller. I believe it's healing I Animal Hospital in Boynton Beach, Florida. That was the best she ever was. And she did homeopathy. She did it homeopathy. She did some energy work. I obviously was feeding a mostly raw diet. I didn't have the supplementation that I have now with my company. If I had the supplements I have now I think I could have had a different outcome with her. But I don't know that for sure. So but in any event, so that was the best. However, I have found that you need a really talented homeopath. And they're not all really talented. So homeopathy is can be very hit or miss. So some people will have good experiences depending upon their homeopathy. Some people won't. The other thing is is some homeopathic acts like it stand alone. It is not you can't be eating feeding your dog the equivalent of McDonald's every day and doing some homeopathic remedies and thinking, Oh, that's going to solve the problem. There is no such thing as a silver bullet. There is no one thing out there that cures everything. Always requires basically a protocol of a comprehensive approach. But things like inflammatory bowel and so those are actually relatively easy to get to the other side of

Oh, that's good. You did so much for Celeste. I mean, you took her to all these different practitioners and there was a point toward the end where Celeste says, quote, I feel I felt so strange. My body didn't feel right. My head didn't feel right emotionally. I was tired of being squeezed. I was happy to have mom back but when she tried to get me to play with my new toys, I just didn't care. I felt like I was watching live from a distance and Part of me wished I could just float away, I felt worn out in my soul. What was that like being able to hear what Celeste was feeling in this moment, especially,

it was absolutely devastating to me. And one of our responsibilities as pet parents, is to minimize our pet suffering. And at some point, most of us will have to make the decision whether to release them from their bodies. It wasn't time for Celeste yet. She wasn't really ready to give up. I wasn't ready to give up. But it was devastating to know that life that every day had become a chore for her. The joy was no longer there. Right? Had I known that I wouldn't have been able to rectify that I might have done made some different decisions. But we still had time together yet. Well, we did have a good day here or there. So So anyway, Okay, so moving on.

So I know it's so hard. In the book you also write, quote, over the years, we have seen 11 Different veterinarians, some did great harm to her some were of some help a couple made a difference for a while. That's remarkable. I would assume Celeste appreciated that. Did you? Did you get that sensor? Did Carol ever say that

all along, that I was working so hard to help her. You know, and she very much appreciated that because she's so wanting to stay with me. So in in our first communication with Callaway, one of the things that Callaway had expressed was through Celeste was that Celeste and I have been together forever. So in every lifetime, Celeste and I are together. And in every lifetime, we come together for our souls to grow and learn new lessons. And in this lifetime, one of the important things for Celeste was not only to move the equation forward the conversation forward for humans so that we, we can have a much better understanding of how complex and complete in and of themselves or animals are, and how worthy of our respect and our cooperative care of them. As opposed to this autocratic approach that you see, you know, sit down, stay, it's not that you can't do those things. But if that's all your life is with your dog is telling you dog and controlling everything that he does, you are missing the point. And so that deeper connection, kinder, more conscientious, human beings, very, very important. So their emotional lives, their physical lives, these things are all very important. And that so many of the things that we're doing on the physical side, the poor quality foods, so I people feed kibble, and they think, a great job. The best kibble is the least best way to feed a dog. It's just kibble exists because it's cheap and convenient, not because it's good. So between the diets that we feed, the, the allopathic medical model that we're seeing in our human population as well, everybody's sick. Everybody's saying, right, and so our animals are trying to show us look, these things you're doing. They're not bringing you health and prosperity. They're bringing you sickness, pain and suffering. But simple things can be changed, and the whole thing changes around. So So there's so so the book was really, the purpose for us in this lifetime together, was to get that out. And in order to do that, we had to have the trials, and the ups and the downs. That is, in fact life, that we could share our experiences and hopefully help other people to do it better.

Oh, absolutely. I learned so much from the book. You also talk about Pete who did energy medicine with Celeste and at some point Pete said to you, your need is holding her here. It's hard to get through the power of your need for her to get a clear answer from her. You need to let go so she can decide.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. And that, how do you do that? How do you let go of somebody you love and tell them it's okay. You can make the whatever choice you decide. I will honor that very high end. I've seen many pet owners struggle with that. Because they can't let go but their animal desperately needs to move on. And that's the other thing the other lesson here. Nobody dies. Our souls are forever. So we just simply change our form. But energy you know the first law of physics right energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change it swim. Well, we are all energy We know that scientifically we know that. And so the soul keeps going. And one of the things that, you know, unlike most dog books where, you know, you have the whole thing with the dog, and then the dog dies. And that's the end. No, it's not the end. And so the book continues, because the last continues with me out of her body, and continues to help me as I move forward with the rest of my life. And, and that's an important message. And I, I think it's important for people to understand that because so many people that can't make the decision to have their pet go because they can't, they can't bear that it's the end. And but it's not the end end. And that's, and that's something important for people to understand, too. We, a lot of people give a lot of lip service to an afterlife. But on a, I think when push comes to shove, most people doubt. And so I actually wanted to help people to understand that there is so much more than this. And I think our animals more so than us, are not as separated from God as we are. And so they are connected always. And so what we struggle with is our separation is really painful for us. And it gives us so much doubt. And then it causes it leads and that doubt leads to more unnecessary suffering.

Yeah, you know, you started with the wonderful story of the blush and the makeup. And I love towards the end of the book, you were talking to Carol, and you write quote, we had been talking for a while when she interrupted me to say, quote, Celeste wants me to tell you. And this is after Celeste passed, how she loved it when you did the makeup thing with her in your bathroom. And you go on to say, You never told Carol that didn't tell

Carol that never talked to her about that? Nope. Nope. So. So that's why it's so fascinating to me, that that particular because I was having a real crisis of faith and Celeste knew it. And she wanted to give me a message that she knew only her and I would know. And estimating that star has taken that, that that was one of the first things that she did to let me know No, it's really me. Put on my blush. Let's do a little, you know. So it's so I know I wrote the book, but it's a wonderful book with a lot of messages, a lot of important stuff there. It should, for those of us whose hearts are open, it can actually move you to another place in your life just help move you forward on your own journey to being a better kinder, more wonderful dog, Mom,

you know, I really hope that people who are listening who are skeptical, I would say to them, maybe they don't have to believe in animal communicators, but just read the book. It's fabulous. I mean, would it upset you have someone who doesn't believe read it? And still didn't believe but took something else from the book? Or do you feel like they gotta be 100%? On board?

No, no, there's so much in the book. Everybody has something different from it. Because there's just so much and it's interesting when I see the reviews that people write. And I see what somebody's focused on. Right. So so people are focusing on different issues, and that's what speaking to them, that's fine. That's fine. We're all in a different place. Right. But if you love dogs, I don't see how you wouldn't really love. Love the book and it wouldn't be helpful to you on some level. But like any, you know, as humans we learn through stories. And so this book is very well very much written as a story. I would think if I didn't come right out and tell you what was happening. Most people would assume it was fiction. Yes. So so from that standpoint, some people will just enjoy it as a good story.

You did mention at the beginning you had said that star pasola spirit

Yes. So although star is a new being in and of herself, her soul is Celeste soul or sweetness of Selassie some of the things that were just the last year is still there, you know are definitely but then there are other aspects who's a new being she gets to experience a new life she can hear in this lifetime. So so it's a new experience for her so it's quite to wrap your head around a little bit but as a soul, we're not actually who we are. In our current creations. Soul is actually the spike and the the essence the essence of who we are, but the personalities and individual lifetimes. Those will be different depending upon what our soul is actually trying to learn. So when I know that gets deeper than Most people want to go. And again, they don't have to go to that space, they could justify a good a good dog story, you know, on characters and their perspectives on life. So, or they can take the deeper the deeper meanings and understandings of how the spiritual side of things and that life goes on.

Absolutely. Now before I let you go tell us a little bit about your pet health and nutrition center.

Okay, the pet health and nutrition center we started while Celeste was still alive, and she was part of the inspiration for that. We manufacture Whole Foods, supplements and herbal remedies for pets. We do. We specialize in a lot of helping support the body with a lot of different disorders like heart disease, kidney failure, degenerative myelopathy immune mediated hemolytic anemia, we do a lot of tough stuff, IBD IBS, colitis. And we are very, very help affected and helping animals supporting their body's own healing potential through natural means to get to the best state of health that they possibly can have. And that's what we do here. We're an online only company we sell throughout the world. And we love what we do because we change lives every day.

The book is 1000 lifetimes a story of a woman and her dog both sides of the tail Maria reached, but it's spelled r e i, c. H. Maria, tell us all the ways we can find you and your fabulous book.

Okay, so we're on Amazon, Barnes and Noble. My own book website is 1000 lifetimes And then the pet health and nutrition center, my company, pet health and nutrition also sells the book as well. So in all those places, and we're in print and Kindle and knock, so you can get it in any format you want.

Well, thank you so much for coming on. I was a little nervous at first, because this is the first time I've ever spoken to somebody that worked with an animal communicator. And I just want to say I thought the book was fantastic. And I'm gonna keep my mind my hearts open. keep my mind open. You're delightful. Everyone keep coming back to dog eared and hey, while you're on dog eared on the same platform as health power, a show I've been doing for 10 years. I'm passionate about healthy living. And I am passionate about dogs so please check them both out and follow me so you can see my good boys to follow me at Lisa Davis on tick tock Instagram and Twitter. Thanks so much and keep coming back.